The 360° Lens Program
The 360° Lens Program is your 1st Step at ConnectiveWellbeing
Discover and learn to boost Your Gift of Innate Healing Capabilities!
Strategically aim for the long run.
Aim at maintaining a more
Toxin-free, less stressful and with that Healthier Lifestyle.
BRAKE FREE from the modern-push-of-busying and learn to
Get educated!
Join us, enroll today!
Our ultra-premium 360° Lens Program is an amazing and
completely customized program!
Discover our second to none support for your
optimized healthy internal and external environment.
Put the fun back into
Living and Aging Healthy
Discover and get ride of dysfunctional and toxic Lifestyle Patterns.
Longterm Health, Wellbeing and Heightened Quality of Life is achievable.
Your Success Begins With Us
Unleash & Boost Your Very Own Innate Healing!
Change your Lifestyle
Love Your New Holistic Wellness Lifestyle
You Can Make Massive Progress In Your Wellness Journey
Get Results Without Feeling Deprived
The secret to easily accomplishing both...?
Glad You Asked!
Exclusive Service - Exceptional Results!
What our customers have to say:
I wanted to express my appreciation for the knowledge and expertise in assisting me in my recovery. I had many health challenges to overcome and you educated me about how to restore the neuromuscular connections through exercise and nutrition. I highly recommend Silke for anyone seeking healing in a non-traditional way.
Keith E Jackson LMFT
My experience at Connective Wellbeing has been one of discovery and healing,
both physically and emotionally. Silke has provided a safe place to be able to
breath and get to the root of issues that have been blocking my body to
function as a whole balanced.
Deeanna M.
I am healthier and functioning better because of Silke’s encouragement during the past 10 years.
I appreciate her patience and good advice. I trust Silke.
She has been a great resource of holistic wellness information.
I lost about 30 pounds and changed my eating habits. I feel great.
I appreciate your friendship as well as your professionalism.
Rinda L.
I sincerely love Silke’s authenticity!
Her genuine approach to providing you with ways you can incorporate into
your daily routine to improve your quality of life are unique and so impactful!
Silke is a blessing to all who come to know her!
Pam Mattys
Certified Life Coach / Workgroup Facilitator
Discover and be awe-inspired by the wondrous opportunities,
laying within your very own Gift of Innate Healing Capabilities.
Enroll and claim your front-row seat!
Discover our proven solutions and action steps today.
Be successful, learn proven ways to aid your own bodies Innate Healing Response.
Your body is designed to Heal and Regenerate!
Start Boosting Today!
We go above and beyond, overdelivering in customized sessions to your needs.
"We cannot do the "hike" for you.
However we know the trails well and can tell you when you've reached the top.
You get to take the hike at your own pace but with a guide who can keep you accountable for pacing yourself and finishing well."
Hit the reset button with us, and become the one that inspires others!
Start living more abundantly today in a new found sense of feeling grounded.
Enjoy a balanced inner awareness of peace.
Only limited seats are available each month!
No social media account required!
Enroll Today! - The next 360° Lens Program is open now!
Our successful clients understand the value of our offer.
To them, missing a sessions is out of the question!
They show up at each scheduled time, ready to engage and learn.
They want to effectively boost their own Innate Healing Capabilities 100%
They have learned the art of applied self-assessments and the systematical discovery and elimination, of what may hinder their desired Holistic Wellness Lifestyle outcomes.
They want this kind of growth in their lives and are eager to be an active part in their own Wellness Transformation.
They know without a doubt they are making an investment for themselves and their loved ones.
These are the type of clients that faithfully show up with their sleeves rolled up, ready to learn and apply more.
Online or In Person
2 hours per week (16hrs in total)
4 weeks per month
Two month program duration
Customized Private Sessions
Language Support: English / German / Spanish
Sessions are scheduled out ahead, upon enrollment
Requires full commitment of client
All payments are non refundable
Payment plan available upon request (additional cost applies)
$320.00 in savings of regular priced session (with full payment)
Qualified for our "A La Carte, HolisticCoaching Options" at a $65.00 discounted rate, upon completion of The 360° Lens Program
We got your back, know you're not alone!
Nurture a Holistic Wellness Lifestyle through your ConnectiveWellbeing
Innate Healing Capabilities
Comprehensive and Progressive Household and Environment Assessments
Navigational Tools & Resource
Progressive Holistic Detox, Starting with Household
Lifestyle Reviews
Progressive fine tuning
Customized strategic plan
Toxin-Free Lifestyle Integration
Organisationnel Management Support
Extensive Lifesyle Assessment & Detox
Extensive Educational Lab Resources
Holistic Wellness Resources
Reflex & Sensory Assessment
What is "Intelligence"? - IQ, Emotional, Spiritual & Physical Intelligence?
The Art of a Contemplative Personal Life-history
Neuro DNA Based, Traditional Ancestral & Heritage Diets
Is there a Role of Gut-health in Chronic Conditions?
The Flush, of Nervous “Systems” or Four Brains
The “Cherries” of Functional Structural Movements, Nutrients, and how they aid the Restoring of Neuromuscular Connections
Learning to Understand the Hinderances coming from Within
Social - Emotional - Spiritual Balancing
Reflective & Perceptive Thinking Practice
Intercessory Prayer Support
Mindful Percpeption, Reflection, Contemplation & Comprehension
Our Mortal Frame - The World Around
Structured Guidance, Support and Accountability
Homework Assignments
Great for visual, auditory or hands-on kinesthetic learners
Gain additional insights via real life related education, concepts and processing
Accountability and Navigational Support (Because we all know life happens)
Program Cost $1,600.00
Packed with practical information, resources and support
Payment plan available upon request (additional cost applies)
The 360° Lens Program offers you $320.00 in savings of regular priced session (with full payment)
2 Month - 16 Hours - 2 Hours Weekly - Firm Commitment - Scheduled Out Ahead - No “Make-Up” Sessions
Convenient, Secure, Online via Video-Call / Requires Only Minimum Tech-Savviness
At the completion of the 360° Lens Program, HolisticCoaching sessions are offered viaConnectiveWellbeing’s “A La Carte Menu” with a generous discounted rate at $65.00 per hour
The above is a sample of what may be included in your sessions. However, it is by no means a reflective limit of your specific session content. Sessions are always customized to each individual clients prerequisite and through detailed assessments.
As part of our educationally rich 360° Lens Program and our HolisticCoaching service, we are able to provide you with the following testing resources:
Urine and Saliva Testing
Hair Mineral Testing & Analysis
Comprehensive Stool Testing for Parasites and Microbiome, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Yeast and more
Bio Marker Testing via Blood Draw
No medical evaluation, diagnosis, treatments or advise, are ever given. Do not engage with ConnectiveWellbeing’s services, if you are in search of such.
Know, Your ConnectiveWellbeing
It Is Not A Price Point…
It’s A State Of Mind
Feel the Love and Support!
Technically only one family member has to enroll in our program,
to support vital and healthy changes for their entire household.
Discover & Have Fun Boosting, Your Very Own Innate Healing Capabilities!
Support your body in what it is designed and capable of doing.
Learn how to maximize through targeted and ongoing self-support.
The 360° Lens Program is essential and the 1st Step at ConnectiveWellbeing.
Your 360° Lens Program
New Holistic Wellness Lifestyle, AWAIT

Our HolisticCoaching
Discover Your Innate Healing Capabilities
Because everyday can be your new beginning...
Ideal for clients,
that have completed the 360° Lens Program
with complex circumstances, that require additional segregated time navigating
ready to "dive deeper" with us, fine-tuning their personal Health and Wellness Journey
We support our clients through a committed relationship of both parties, infused with encouragement and accountability of lifestyle and behavioral modifications, that support the body's innate healing abilities.
Exploration | Goal-Setting | Education | Preparation | Commitment | Action
Single sessions $120.00 per hour
A La Carte Options / after the completion of The 360° Lens Program - $65.00 per hour
"Coaching is effective for people managing a variety of health conditions. According to a recent study, coaching “results in clinically relevant improvements in multiple biomarker risk factors (including systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and cardiorespiratory fitness) in diverse populations.” Coaching has also helped improve health-related quality of life and reduced hospital admissions in patients with COPD." and "Private companies are even starting to offer coaching to their employees in order to lower their healthcare costs."
Article Published by Harvard Health Publishing
"They [organic vegetable blends] dial down the expression of oncogenes (genes that have the potential to cause increased cell growth that can lead to cancer) and increase expression of tumor suppressor genes. People who eat more vegetables and fruits have lower risk of a wide range of cancers."
- American Institute of Cancer Research