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A Dash of Lead… A Pinch of Cadmium…. A Smidgen of BPA?

Remember grandma and mother’s Sunday dishes?

How about beautiful colorful antique dish wear inquired at a flea market, or a brand new set that you reasonably were happy to purchase?

You might want to reconsider using these dishes for anything food relating.

If you had a moment of “do your own due diligence” amnesia, you're in good company. Millions of consumers worldwide fall victim to industry offers, that do not necessarily have the health of consumers in mind.

We ourselves had purchased a beautiful Mediterranean dish set for 16 and before long noticed scratches on each item.

We knew about potential lead in dish wear. However for some reason we’ve seemed somewhat oblivious, to do our regular scrutinizing research prior to the purchase.

Turned off by the increasing grayish scratch marks and the thought of what potential may be leaching into our food from underneath, the burning question kept nagging at us: “What is lurking beneath the depth of surface and decor on white?”

So we set out to do good on our tardiness and finally dove into necessary homework. Better late than never, right?

What we found, might have you take a closer look at what is in your kitchen.

We can tell you the garbage service found a noisy surprise emptying our cans, shortly after our research.

We urge you to do your toxicity-research into all items before you bring them into your household. Correct any shortcomings as soon as possible, once discovered!

No one can afford for their own health and wellbeing, or that of their loved ones under their care, to continue the personal exposure of toxicity on a regular daily bases.

Here some of the information we found;

  • Cadmium is a known carcinogen

  • Lead is neurotoxic

  • BPA, is known to mimic estrogen in the body. Do Hormone-Problems, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) or other abnormal tissue growth that is “hormone reactive”, ring a bell?

  • Sadly almost all of the commercially available plastics have detectable estrogenic activity. It does not matter what resins have been used, what product it is or the retail-source you choose to purchase from

  • All glass and ceramic made anywhere in the world prior to the 1990s and especially with decorated fluxes and glazes, should be considered as containing lead

  • Decorated dishes that are not certified led, cadmium or BPA, free should not be touching your food or be handled by your children

  • Cadmium can be in certain colors of your dishes

  • Chipped or damaged Vitrelle based dishes (two types of glass, laminated into a three layers product), should be thrown away!

  • Same with any dishes that have gray wear-scratch marks on the surface

  • Careful with Vitrelle dishes. Also they are extremely durable, ultra hygienic, non pores and easy to clean next to scratch and chip resistant, tipped in an unfortunate way at an edge, they can shatter into thousand of little pieces

  • Fine china, also called “bone china” and ordinary china, are said to contain about 50% burnt animal bone ash

  • has a ton of information including Corelle dishes she has tested

There are plenty of articles concerning your health, in regard to tableware or other items that you might use daily in your household, please explore and check for toxins!

We choose “Corelle” at this time.

In all the information that we could find, their plain white dish ware have been consistently reported to be one of the best lead free option on todays market.

Plain white that is with no colors. We chose to mix it up for fun with a plain whiteBella Faenzapattern embossed dish set.

For cutlery we choose and very much appreciate the high quality “18/10 Stainless Steel Flatware” from Liberty Tabletop and knowing that their products are produced in the USA.

Silke De Oca, owner of Connective Wellbeing


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