Juliu Horvath developed the GYROKINESIS® Method at the end of 1970 and used the method to heal himself from injury.
In the early 80's he continued, developing the GYROTONIC® Method.
Both methods are merged under the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®
and benefit the body in its entirety.
The practice of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® Movement techniques can be helpful to individuals facing many health challenges of different levels and conditions. Symptoms can be reduced, attitude improved, self image and awareness boosted and restored. Balance and vitality can be increased and overall well-being can be achieved. Both formats are designed so that almost any person can be accommodated, during these unique movements.
Through both Methods the spine with all its nerve endings is gently being moved and elongated in all 7 movable directions.
This activates the peripheral nervous system that connects the body with the central nervous system and essentially with all other parts of the body. It is the communication pathway for the brain and the extremities, organs, etc. The nerves spread out from the spine like a fan or the side arms of a river.
Movements will activate the sympathetic cell tissue and with that also the Sympathetic Nervous System.
Fluid movements are consistently stretching and toning the muscles. Specialized breath work, will in addition supply oxygen to the tissue and fascia. The breath work combined in harmony of the therapeutic and restorative movements, help to strengthen the diaphragm muscles and entire connective pelvic region.
Rotary movements are designed to activate the joint protective synovial fluid.
All can give the Immune System a boost, in particular the T3-cells.
Reverse the effects of stressors and gravity to the body and feel younger with each session.
The Vestibular (coordinating movement and balance), Proprioceptive (connects the sensory neurons of the inner ear, stretch receptors in muscles and joint supporting ligaments), Kinesthesia (coordinates motion and body awareness of where a person is in space and time, including the detection of weight, position in and the relationship of tendons, joints and muscles in movements), Tactile (transfers receptor information from the skin to the brain, like texture, shape, number, pressure, skin stretching, vibration, etc) and the Visual Senses, all are being stimulated!
Blood vessels, muscles, cells, etc., all are connected. The spine truly is the connection of the entire body.
The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® Strengthens the core and the body’s stability.
It deepens and increases the range of motion and flexibility alike.
Energy pathways of the body are being opened and most people feel a little lighter and stronger immediately after their first class. Each class helps to become more aware of the entire body and fine tunes the important ability, to listen to the bodies signals.
How we move, or the lack thereof, impacts our entire body and including the brain.
The toe-ankle-knee joint-hip-spine and finger-wrist-elbow joint - sternum - shoulder - head-spine connections all work together! They are connected even to our organs via nerves, blood vessels…etc. We feel some of these connections when injured.
Sessions will work the entire body and can feel like just having enjoyed a mini massage.
Performing all movements with the body's full range of motion, is always encouraged without over-stretching. This will continuously strengthen and open the entire body.
High stress keeps most people these days breathing in a “Fight-or-Flight” chest cavity breathing pattern. A reflex response that should be activated when "that saber tooth tiger is chasing us", but needs to be at rest during other times. Remaining in a “Fight-or-Flight” response, can not only be addictive to the body, but detrimental to our health and wellness and quality of life.
Consistent “Fight-or-Flight” response, robs the body of much needed oxygen.
Correct breathing in conjunction of structural and functional alignment support, are often an overlooked importance in diaphragm function and pelvic floor health.
However, it directly influences our entire health and well-being.
Both methods emphasize on all of these important points during each session.
The GYROKINESIS® Method is unfortunately often forgotten, even within its own community.
Many articles can be found about the GYROTONIC® Method, without ever mentioning the GYROKINESIS® Method. The latter may perhaps often be somewhat under appreciated, as it does not require any specialized equipment and it be interpreted by some, as better suited for the willing self-doer.
The fact is that the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® to this day, still combines two methods. Both equally offer holistic benefits, for each individuals level.
The GYROKINESIS® Method are taught in "mat classes" and can provide a cardio workout to the body, similar to that of a brisk walk.
In GYROTONIC® Sessions specialized equipment is being utilizes to guide the client through an array of wonderful and specialized movements, allowing for a deeper understanding of the practice.
The GYROTONIC® Pulley Tower is the most widely used equipment during these sessions.
Needless to say, the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® can have many therapeutic benefits.
Especially benefitting may, children with developmental concerns, those with fibromyalgia, rheumatism, arthritis, those recovering from strokes and those with other injuries to the nervous system, and even those in pre- and post-pregnancy.
Those with scoliosis and other alignment problems of the spine, can benefit greatly.
The methods compliment treatments of;
Naturopathic Physicians and Medical Doctors, Chiropractic and Acupuncture, Occupational, Physical and Craniosacral Therapy and Vocal classes.
It gives strong support to martial-arts training and is excellent for cross training athletes.
Sessions for both systems can be found in more than 74 countries worldwide.
They are used and preferred at an increasing rate, by participants of all ages.
They have also gained the curiosity and acceptance of healthcare professionals in many countries and many recommend it in support or in place of treatment.
It is accepted and paid for by Insurance companies in many European countries.
The GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC® Methods, are recognized modalities, by the
IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists).
Silke De Oca, owner of Connective Wellbeing
Health & Healing
At Connective Wellbeing, we encourage you to always remember, you are indeed designed to be RESILIENT and BOUNCE BACK
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References & Articles
*Below are three Health & Wellness related article, in conjunction of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®
“GYROTONIC®, GYROTONIC® & Logo, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.”
Developing Mindfulness in College Students Through Movement-Based Courses: Effects on Self-Regulatory Self-Efficacy, Mood, Stress, and Sleep Quality Karen Caldwell, PhD; Mandy Harrison, PhD; Marianne Adams, MFA; Rebecca H. Quin, MA; Jeffrey Greeson, PhD
A Clinical Study of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® for the Treatment of Scoliosis
Yoon, Sook Hyang (Myong Ji Univ.)
GYROTONIC® “Arch and Curl”
Joyce Campbell - Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education & Dance Department Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Warren Miles - Certified Roller and Certified GYROTONIC® Instructor
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