What is stress to the body?
Contemplate and ask again…
What is not stressful for the body?
Emotional Trauma?
Physical Trauma?
Spiritual Trauma or Disconnect?
Neurological & Nervous Sytem Disconnects?
Or all imbalances of any sorts?
We have daily choices to make, to not weaken ourselves over time, by overindulging in what in the end then becomes stress for the entire body.
Warning signs like “Leaky Gut” (Inflamed Gut) or “Broken Blood Brain Barrier Syndrome” (Inflamed Brain / Neuroinflammation) are widely spread and all too often ignored.
Vital sensory abilities in order to navigate an ideal personal wellness route successfully, are being diminished in an alarming way and with an ever so socially excepted busyness, most result to “endure”. The price to pay can be steep!
The immune system and with that the entire person starts decaying, as all stress is toxic to the entire body and causes widespread injury to the nervous system.
Proper function with strength, flexibility and pliability hindered by a toxic internal or external environment and often both, results in dis-ease and eventually disease.
Hopeless? - Not so fast!
Did you know that it in the cellular renewal of a healthy person, the
Stomach is brand new every 2-9 days
Lungs are brand new every 2-3 weeks
Colon is completely new every 2-3 days
Skin is brand new in as little as 14 days
Red blood cells are all new every four months
Skeleton and bones renew themselves by 10% every year
Heart muscle cells are renewed 24/7
Blood platelets are replaced every 10 days
Liver is 100% new every five months
Tastebuds are all new every 10 days
Joint & cartilage cells are constantly renewed
Consider the gift of your amazing innate healing capability for a moment.
Now try to answer two simple questions,
What are you doing to support this process?
What are you doing to hinder this process?
Take an active part in your wellness or healing journey with us and take the reins back into your own hands!
We got the tools, are you ready?
If you're tired of the aches and pains and desire improved movement capabilities, elevated resilience, boost of immunity, improved lifestyle quality…
(Adaptable and suited for those that want to enjoy movement stimulations such as walking, swimming, upper and lower body gyration, and deep breathing again.)
Discover our unique,
Targeted to the individuals needs movement approach
Stimulation of the entire spine with all 7 directional movement capabilities
Personal wellness assessments, strategizes and Integrative Personal Wellness Coaching
Circular multidirectional spinal and joint fluid flow promoting movement approach
Innate movement based (neonatal reflex integration) methods
Start exploring with us, via our profound wellness assessment TODAY!
Silke De Oca, owner of Connective Wellbeing
Health & Healing
At Connective Wellbeing, we encourage you to always remember, you are indeed designed to be RESILIENT and BOUNCE BACK
Get in contact with us today and learn to pick up the reins of your health and wellbeing and let’s get going with a free consultation TODAY!
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